Sunday, November 15, 2009

A sweet but sad farewell to my beloved ES2007 classmates, tutor and class

Times passed by so quickly that it had just dawned on me there are no longer anymore ES2007 lessons. It is by no means an exaggeration when I say that ES2007 is my favourite module of all time since my matriculation into NUS.

ES2007 is the only module that I had taken where I have been able to communicate freely and got to know each and every classmate of mine quite well. I enjoy the process of making many new good friends. I like the fact that my classmates are all spontaneous, friendly and rather passionate people. Brad have also been an excellent facilitator and a good slave-driver in motivating(forcing) us to do work :).

I must also state that the module is not all fun as the workload has been quite heavy. This is especially true for the proposal and the oral presentation. I often find myself working against time to complete the assigned work promptly and with quality. There are also moments where I feel the module has never ending work, when one is completed another piece of assignment would surface. It got stressful at times!

However, the module has been extremely useful in my point of view and I have certainly learnt a lot from this course. Almost all of what I have learnt in this course would come in useful in the future, e.g. in my career. I wish I could say the same for many other modules that I have taken.

I would cherish the many moments I experienced in the timespan of taking this module and reminiscent upon those happy times!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reflection on my oral presentation

For the oral presentation today, I felt I was very nervous. I do not understand where but I get very uptight everytime I need to give a presentation. It is perhaps due to the fact that I am an only child and do not get many opportunities to speak in public. My legs were shaking badly and I had to control it if not there could be an earthquake! I tried my best to maintain eye-contact with everybody but am not sure how successful I was. I felt my voice projection was loud and clear enough. My only worry was whether my voice was shaking when I was speaking. My body gesture was a little slanted as I was having a hip injury that was causing me some pain and I am not sure if it was too obvious. My last worry was if I had enough non-verbal cues and if the cues that I used were more helpful than distracting. I somehow also feel that I looked at the screen all too often. I wonder if it is true? Nonetheless, the presentation was a good learning experience and exposure for me. I feel better prepared and more ready for my next presentation now. I hope I am not as nervous anymore also in my next presentation.